Sister, Keep Going
Falmouth Congregational Church, 267 Falmouth Road
Friday May 31, 2024 7:30pm and Saturday June 1, 2024 at 3pm
Women in Harmony presents our spring concert, “Sister, Keep Going,” on May 31 and
June 1 at a new venue, Falmouth Congregational Church in Falmouth.
This concert celebrates the strength, tenacity, and adventurousness of women. The
program title is the final lyric of Joan Szymko’s powerful composition Nothing Short of
Grace. The song begins with halting, irregular rhythms that suggest hesitation, then
takes on a smoother, more flowing rhythm that evokes a sense of confidence.
A number of songs on the program address the “keep going” theme in both the literal
sense of movement or travel (e.g. The Little Road, Winnebago) and in metaphorical
terms (e.g. Nothing Short of Grace, Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around).
In this election year, several other songs speak to the issue of voting rights, most notably
Disenfranchised by Elizabeth Alexander. Women in Harmony is a member of the choral
consortium that commissioned this humorous but pointed piece, which will have its
Maine premiere in our May 31 performance.This season marks 25 years that both Women in Harmony’s director, Kitty Beller-
McKenna, and our accompanist, Deana Gurney, have been with the chorus.These two women are the heart and soul of WiH, and they just….keep going.
Performances will take place at Falmouth Congregational Church, 267 Falmouth Road:
Friday, May 31 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, June 1 at 3:00 p.m.Please join us!